Re: labels/original intent of post

From: john porter (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Jul 03 2006 - 19:59:14 PDT

Are you talking about the "good" sub-thread which
split away from the "labels" thread?
I don't think we're discussing film vs DV, their
different places or positions, but the different
"labels" for them. What do we mean by these evolving
terms, whether we like them or not? We're
experimenting with words, using each other as lab

--- Michael Betancourt <email suppressed>

> Personally, I can understand why the specific medium
> of production might
> have impact on some interpretations--but not all of
> them.
> Consider this debate this way: try taking this
> argument and replacing the
> "film" vs "DV/HDV/etc" arguments with say, "oil
> paint" vs "watercolor" and
> it will just start seeming silly--while they are
> also different materials
> with some different potentials, the kind of argument
> we're having isn't
> something of great significance in the larger realm
> of visual art (or even
> painting itself).
> Mediumistic arguments of the type happening right
> now seem to happen only at
> two times--when a new technology appears and needs
> to claim itself a space
> as "art" (as with early video manifestations of the
> 1970s for example) or
> when an older established medium seeks to maintain
> its position in relation
> to a new, disruptive medium that seems to be
> "stealing" its position as DV
> is doing to film. This second type of argument is,
> fundamentally, motivated
> by the same fight against disruptive technology that
> leads entrenched
> organizations and companies to try ans squelch
> threats to their business
> model (think Napster/RIAA or bittorrent/MPAA).
> So.... To be in a parallel position to the RIAA
> doesn't sound "experimental"
> or "avant-garde" imho.
> Michael Betancourt
> Des Moines, IA USA
> the avant-garde film & video blog
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at
> <email suppressed>.

John Porter, Toronto, Canada
email suppressed

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