From: Mark R Hancock (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Jul 09 2006 - 15:07:43 PDT
I just checked and it does indeed state that on the cartridge. Thank you.
Mark R Hancock
-------Original Message-------
From: albert alcoz <email suppressed>
Subject: Re: Kodachrome - s8 processing extended, and a question about prepaid processing
Sent: 09 Jul '06 18:54
The only thing you have to check is a phrase you can see in the Kodachrome
40 cartridge. If there appears "Price Includes Processing By Kodak" then
you won't have to pay the processing, even if you have lost the envelope.
I did it some months ago with a couple of cartridges without envelope.
_MARK R HANCOCK <email suppressed>_ escribió: Hi
Thanks for this info. I have a question about Super* processing. I've a
cartridge that I bought and have exposed, but
in the antime, the prepaid envelope that came with it has been lost. I did
write to Kodak using the online form asking
what options there were, but received no response. Does nayone on the list
have any suggestions? I guess if it comes
to it, I'd send it off and pay again for the processing, but surely the
cartridge has a serial number that refers to some
prepaid package and if I own it, then I must have paid for it
thanks for any help forthcoming,
Mark R Hancock
-------Original Message-------
From: john porter
Subject: Kodachrome - s8 processing extended, 16mm discontinued
Sent: 08 Jul '06 04:28
All quiet on the Frameworks front. People pooped by
ROCHESTER, NY, June 30 -- Eastman Kodak Company
announced today that it will consolidate the
processing of Kodachrome film for North America and
Europe at a Kodak-certified third party facility in
the United States. Effective September 30, 2006, Kodak
will discontinue all Kodachrome processing activities
at its photo processing lab in Renens, Switzerland due
to low volumes.
Kodachrome Super 8 film must be received by Kodak's
lab in Renens, Switzerland by September 25, 2006 in
order for that film to obtain Kodak- certified
processing. No Kodak-certified processing for Super 8
film will be available after that date. This extends
the previously announced final processing date by
approximately two months, in order to give customers
adequate time to process their Super 8 images through
Kodak's certified facility.
For 16mm customers who have paid for processing within
the purchase price of their Kodachrome film, Kodak
will continue to offer processing by shipping orders
to Dwayne's Photo of Parsons, Kansas. This will be at
no additional cost to the customer through December
31, 2006. After that date, Kodachrome 16mm film
processing costs, as well as the responsibility for
shipping that product to Dwayne's, must be borne by
the customer.
More detail on the processing of Kodak's Kodachrome
35mm slide film can be found under a separate press
release specific to that marketplace.
Kodak also announced that manufacture of Kodachrome
16mm film (cat #1402494) has been discontinued. Final
sales of this product -- sold predominantly in North
America -- will be based on product availability over
the coming months. Sales of the European-based
Kodachrome 16mm film with processing costs included
(cat #5053327) were discontinued earlier this year.
Kodak exited Kodachrome Super 8 in May of 2005.
According to Kim Snyder, general manager and vice
president for Image Capture products, Entertainment
Imaging at Eastman Kodak Company, "The rationale to
discontinue the manufacture, sale and processing of
these motion picture product lines was entirely driven
by marketplace dynamics. Sales of Kodachrome motion
picture film have declined significantly over the past
few years. However, Kodak remains committed to its
motion picture film portfolio, and to providing its
customers a range of products and creative choices."
Kodak now offers the new KODAK EKTACHROME Film 64T
(film code 7280) in Super 8 format, as well as KODAK
EKTACHROME 100D as an alternative for its Kodachrome
16mm users. This 100-speed color reversal motion
picture film (film code 7285) is designed for
daylight, and also delivers very saturated color, a
neutral gray scale and accurate skin tones. Both films
require E6 processing.
John Porter, Toronto, Canada
email suppressed
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