From: Philip Hood (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Aug 23 2006 - 13:39:17 PDT
On Wed, 23 Aug 2006, Freya wrote:
> ... If people like watching films, then that is
> great and they are welcome to do so, if not I
> certainly don't want to have to pay them to compensate
> them for the suffering of watching my "stuff". That's
> just really, really horrible and I'm sure is not what
> the Tank people were suggesting.
well, freya,
while I'm sure its not just the way you've
put it (in the language you've used)
I don't think that it would be
too hard to read it that way, in the sense
that they were "charging" $5 for submissions,
and then $10 for those over, I think it was,
50 min.
The reading of that - the increased rate for
"longer films" - would be that,
a submission was basically for the time spent,
and whatever administrative duty in relation
to time that it would take to process ...
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