Re: blog inquiry

From: Mark R Hancock (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Jul 20 2006 - 02:34:24 PDT


Sorry I had a clear out of emails and deleted the one with your questions about cine-blogs on. Could you send it
again please? I had some blogs and a couple of answers that might be of use.


Mark R Hancock

 -------Original Message-------
 From: amanda christie <email suppressed>
 Subject: Re: blog inquiry
 Sent: 20 Jul '06 00:38
 sounds like an interesting survey.
 will it be possible to get the results?
 i'm don't read any blogs.  i have mixed feelings on
 the format.
 but i'd be interested in checking some out if
 recommended by other people.
 amanda dawn christie
 vancouver, bc
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