Re: re labels

From: Lundgren (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Jun 28 2006 - 13:51:54 PDT

in his own words he was influence by pot, schmeck, ups, cocaine, green
pills, pink pills and vodka... so i figure that when he eventuelly projected
it he was hit by a gigantic hung-over. ;)

well, on a more serious note i think it would be a misstake to say that a
person most be either a painter or a filmmaker and not both (and likewise
that their work most be considered either paintings or a film, rather than

isn't this the medium of all possibilities?

björn lundgren

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jack Sargeant" <email suppressed>
To: <email suppressed>
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 9:09 PM
Subject: re labels

> when harry smith painted images frame-by-frame onto celluloid and then
> projected the results was he a painter or a filmmaker?
> jack
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