Re: Brakhage, Paik, Whitney, Lye on YouTube

From: Freya (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Jul 13 2006 - 08:51:33 PDT

Hiya Pablo!
  You said remarkable, but I'm not sure which bit of
what you quoted you thought was remarkable. Or what
you even meant by the word??

  It could be remarkable that I'm more curious about
this film than the cellophane wrapper thing, or it
could be that the awful video made me curious about
the film at all or it could be that I might be bored
if I actually saw the film (I suppose that might be
true of any film I havn't seen yet however).

  One word is not enough to know really as I kind of
said a few things in the paragraph you quoted.



--- Pablo Marin <email suppressed> wrote:

> Freya wrote:
> "I don't know but it's possible that it will
> encourage
> the people who do have that power to do so.
> Certainly
> it made me really interested in the film. Is this
> the
> same guy with the celophane wrapper? If so that
> video
> didn't excite me the way this one did, however if I
> ever see the real film I might just be bored. :)"
> remarkable.

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