From: Images Festival (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Jul 24 2006 - 12:21:27 PDT
Images Festival [Toronto] job opportunities
The Images Festival, entering its 20th year, features Canadian and
international film and video,
and related new media installations and performances. This Toronto-based
festival combines
theatrical exhibition with gallery-based installations and features
symposia, artists' retrospectives,
special curated programs and publications alongside its annual competition
selection of artists' film
and video. Images is a dynamic annual forum for excellence and innovation in
the media arts.
1. Images Festival Job Opportunity: Festival Manager
Summary: The Festival Manager will work in a collaborative environment to
plan and execute a successful 2007 festival
involving multiple exhibition sites, events and partners. The Festival
Manager is responsible for general office administration,
managing all festival communications and the print production of festival
materials, as well as coordinating festival logistics
including box office and volunteers.
For more information please view the job posting at:
2. Images Festival Job Opportunity: Programmer (Film/Video + Installation)
Summary: The Programmer will work in a collaborative environment to plan
and execute a successful 2007
(and 20th Anniversary) festival involving multiple exhibition sites, events
and partners. The Programmer is
responsible for executing a portion of programming, general assistance to
the Artistic Director, and activities
related to catalogue production, artist relations, publicity and
coordinating and strengthening relationships with
exhibition venues throughout the Toronto area. This hourly position is a
mixture of part time and full time hours with flexible scheduling.
For more information please view the job posting at:
The Images Festival is made possible thanks to our gracious funders: The
Canada Council for the Arts,
the Ontario Arts Council, the Department Canadian Heritage, the City of
Toronto through the Toronto Arts Council,
Telefilm Canada, The Ontario Trillium Foundation and the Department of
Foreign Affairs.
Best regards,
448-401 Richmond Street West
Toronto. Ontario M5V 3A8 CANADA
T 416.971.8405
F 416.971.7412
20th Edition>>>> 5-14 April 2007 >>>>>>
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.