Re: interior monologue

From: gyoungblood (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Aug 16 2006 - 22:11:59 PDT

Good point about Grizzly Man. I like grey-area cases like that. Regarding the noir example, the past-tense "was" makes it voice-over narration (i.e., extradiegetic) disguised as an interior monologue. If the guy was really talking to himself he'd say "She's trouble. Ain't that just like a dame.." or something like that.
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Jack Sargeant
  To: email suppressed
  Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 8:53 PM
  Subject: Re: [FRAMEWORKS] interior monologue

  what about Herzog's brilliant Grizzly Man? There's a lot of footage of Tim Tredwell walking around the Alaskan wilderness talking, but of course he is the only person there, so even though it's not really interior much of what he says is just verbalising his thought process and wasn't intended for the public. can we see this as a manifestation of interior monologue?

  regarding interior dialogue, what about all those film noir movies where the audience are privy to the private investigator's thoughts, "she was a dame all right, and trouble" etc etc. has anybody said Fight Club?


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