Frampton How-To

From: Sherri Kauk (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Aug 04 2006 - 18:02:11 PDT

Dear Frameworkers,

I am trying to find information regarding Hollis Frampton's shooting techniques
with LEMON.
How was the lemon secured? What type of apparatus carried the light?
Did he augment the "single-source" look with auxiliary lights?

Also, where in LosAngeles might I screen the film? It has been many
years and my memory is, well, memory. I have rental info from the
filmmaker's coop, and will search UCLA and USC -- any varying
suggestions? (thank you).

I am Sherri Kauk, a filmmaker of Ithaca College's cinema program and
am currently enrolled at the American Film Institute. I am soulfully
moved by the life force of light and devote much of my time to
imaging. Accessing technical information of Frampton's LEMON
production will direct my technique for an upcoming photography

I thank you for your time.
In care,

Sherri Kauk.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.