From: Snow Razz (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Dec 12 2006 - 10:06:45 PST
So just going by the timeline:
Rube Goldberg "appropriates" DaVinci, Hollywood "appropriates" Goldberg
("Chitty Chitty Bang Bang") then Fischli and Weiss, then Pee Wee
Hermann, then Honda...
The appropriations alone make up their own "Incredible Machine!"
Kinda reminds me of that game, Mouse Trap... (oh, wait)
----- Original Message ----
From: Bill Seery <email suppressed>
To: email suppressed
Sent: Saturday, December 9, 2006 9:31:27 AM
Subject: Re: The Way Things Go?
C'mon, everyone borrows, steals, quotes, regurgitates, pays homage to, etc., not just corporate thugs. It was probably some art school type who pitched this concept to Honda in the first place.
If you go on youtube, there are numerous "Incredible Machine" clips, many from Japan, so it is a popular genre going back to at least Rube Goldberg, DaVinci, Hero of Alexandria?......not to detract from Fischli & Weiss. I spent a good part of an afternoon watching "The Way Things Go" over and over the first time I saw it at the Pompidou Center (btw it has edits in it) of the best things I saw that day.
The real shocker for me in the statement that came with the clip was "The film cost six million dollars." Think that's "The Way Things Go" cost to make? What could you do with six million?
"The only thing new is the history you don't know"
"Appropriation is a two way street.." It is? Seems more like a dark
alley where corporate thugs mug artists... Over and over again.
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