Helen Hill's films

From: James Parrish (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Jan 16 2007 - 09:35:53 PST

I'm a bit behind on the news about Helen's death, only finding out
about it last week. (I was traveling and didn't check email until
last week.)

I, like many of you, was in contact with Helen, though I didn't get
to know her well. I showed her "Madame Winger Makes a Film" at
Flicker in Richmond, VA back in 2002 to a crowd of about 350 (I just
checked my records) and showed it to a filmmaking class I taught. We
also sold some copies of her "Recipes for Disaster" film handbook. I
introduced the film by playing a voicemail message that Helen left
for me -- it was the only way I felt I could do justice in conveying
her energy and enthusiasm. Sadly, I never met her in person, but I
enjoyed my interactions with her via phone and email (we shared an
enthusiasm and commitment to small gauge and DIY filmmaking) -- and I
met some of her New Orleans friends at a NAMAC conference.

Anyway, I was talking with John Porter last week about his visit to
Richmond for our James River Film Festival this coming April and we
both wondered how to access Helen's films for tribute/memorial
screenings. I'd like to screen some of her work as my/our way of
remembering her.

Does anyone know how to obtain copies of her films for public
screenings? (I only skimmed through the threads about Helen but I
don't remember seeing anything about we can rent/purchase copies of
her films. I did see announcements about screenings of Helen's work.)



The Richmond Moving Image Co-op, home of Flicker and the James River  
Film Festival, is a nonprofit organization that supports independent  
media arts in Virginia. Shipping: RMIC, 0 E. 4th St. #54, Richmond,  
VA 23224. Postal: RMIC, P.O. Box 7469, Richmond, VA 23221, PH: (804)  
232-RMIC(7642), WEB: http://www.rmicweb.org.
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.