Re: Frameworks Decade and Beyond

From: Adam Trowbridge (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Jan 23 2007 - 16:01:59 PST

> On Jan 23, 2007, at 3:54 PM, James Kreul wrote:
> But a few recent threads have made me question how useful
Frameworks is
> these days. It remains great for news, event and new release
> and the This Week in Avant-garde listings (again, thanks to
everyone who
> keeps the rest of us in the loop). But it seems like there are
too many
> reasons not to initiate threads or participate in existing
threads. Too
> often I find myself asking: "Why the hell is this in my
Frameworks mailbox,
> and why did I open it?"

As someone new to the list in the last year, I agree completely. The
information updates are great while the discussion threads seem to be
the same people sniping with the same bullets, every time. Perhaps
there should be two listservs:
Frameworks: Listings, News and Information
Frameworks: Strange Arguments That End in A Very Vicious e.e.
cummings Lashing Out at Imaginary Patriarchy

My understanding from the description of this listserv is that video
is not really on topic here (outside of that one uptight thread about
the words "filmmaker" and "films"). I would like to find a list that
is as open to discussions of experimental film as experimental video.
Any suggestions?


For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.