From: Brook Hinton (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Jan 24 2007 - 16:51:18 PST
Alain and Joost, I didn't mean to imply anything of the sort. I was
addressing the relationship of the original charter to the current
conditions of a-g cinema, and indicating my feeling, in response to Alain's
citing of the original charter, that discussion of a-g cinema at this point
cannot really thrive, beyond discussion of film-specific aspects of
particular works, in the environment that charter describes, however distant
it might be from what occurs here. I never said anything about anyone being
censored or shut down. The first sentence, and the description of a
video-forbidden forum, were hypotheticals, though I think they are relevant
to the current discussion, and if that wasn't clear I apologize.
All of this in the context of the ongoing multithreaded discussion regarding
the current state of the forum.
I will state, though, that I have always found it problematic to discuss
non-sprocketed work here, as it usually ends up with this format-issue frame
around it before any other substantive discussion takes place. As for other
lists for discussion of a-g cinema without the privileging of a particular
format, I've looked for years and have yet to find one.
On 1/24/07, Joost Rekveld <email suppressed> wrote:
> i don't remember ever seeing a discussion on frameworks being
> 'censored' because it was too much about video. I don't actually
> remember any discussion here being 'censored', or is my memory too
> selective ?
> friendly,
> Joost.
> On Jan 24, 2007, at 9:28 , Brook Hinton wrote:
> > At this late stage, if video is not treated as just another
> > cinematic tool on this list, then this list is about a format (or
> > rather group of formats), not about an approach to making cinema.
> > That will chase away many who might actually have something to
> > contribute to discussions on, say, 16mm film preservation or hand-
> > processing techniques. While such areas are important and will of
> > course remain a crucial part of Frameworks regardless, a format
> > limited discussion of avant-garde cinema that excludes video is by
> > definition, in 2007, a discussion that censors half of its subject,
> > destroying its relevance and worthiness.
> -------------------------------------------
> Joost Rekveld
> -----------
> -------------------------------------------
> "Two dangers threaten the world - order and disorder."
> (Paul Valéry)
> -------------------------------------------
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
-- _______________________________________________________ Brook Hinton film/video/audio art __________________________________________________________________ For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.