From: Captain P.J. (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Jan 25 2007 - 08:17:12 PST
I admit to being one of those "lurkers" lately. I used to write about works and experimental "moving images" quite a bit and now I feel that I simply use Frameworks (albeit rarely) to advertise my screenings, ask technical questions, crack jokes, etc. I think I sometimes forget how helpful this forum once was to someone who had just seen experimental works and wanted to know more (wow- seven years ago).
I think part of the problem is this:
When I first started this thing, I would sometimes cross-post my blogs on Frameworks (I think one of my Brakhage screening experiences was the last one I posted), but got discouraged because these threads generated very little discussion (unless someone was "correcting" me for falling outside of the increasingly (and ironically) defined lines of "avant-garde"). Moreover, sometimes I feel like summing myself up in a picture or a video clip (or talking about Russian rocket bodies falling out of the sky). I also enjoy the random wanderers. So I migrated to blogging and and became passive on Frameworks.
Perhaps if a few of us started actually discussing experimental works again (and some people do, I might add, they just get buried), this list could balance itself out a little better. I think some "vs." chatter is okay, but honestly, I can bash Hollywood or politicians on almost any forum. I'll never forget the day I met someone in New York whose eyes got big as she realized, "YOU'RE Captain P.J.!?" People do read those posts, too!
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.