hardboiled film noir road movies tonight!!!!

From: Jack Sargeant (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Jan 28 2007 - 15:39:16 PST

ok - so the LAST NIGHT of the road movie weekender screens tonight at
the Cinematheque at the Chauvel, Paddington, Sydney, approx 5 minutes
bus ride up Oxford Street from the City.

we are screening GUN CRAZY and THEY LIVE BY NIGHT, so if you wanna
see projected films and not tv of two truly great film noir love on
the run hardboiled movies full of hot chicks and desperate men and
movies full of passion, bullets, night drives, evil, and swirling
chaos these are THE REAL DEAL.

this is a great double bill (trust me you won't get to see these on
the big screen again) and starts at 7:00pm.

So, pass this info on to your pals, and come along,



For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.