From: Jeff Kreines (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Feb 04 2007 - 18:14:50 PST
On Feb 4, 2007, at 7:58 PM, amanda christie wrote:
> but in terms of size.... when i look at them... they
> seem to be the same height... and yes... twice as
> many... but the 8mm holes seem to be ever so slightly
> narrower.... (width wise, not height wise)... am i
> wrong? and if not, does this even matter?
I just took 8mm and 16mm film and placed them atop each other and
looked through a loupe -- they were the same size (as they should be).
>> up on the sprocket teeth, making the inter-tooth
>> distance (pitch)
>> greater.
> and speaking of pitch... i haven't had to deal with
> this much before... and i have a vague idea as to what
> it might mean... and as to what "inter-tooth distance"
> might mean... but i am not entirely sure.... could you
> please explain to me in greater detail what exactly
> "pitch" is? if you don't mind of course... it would
> be very much appreciated....
Pitch is the distance from a perf's edge to the same edge of the next
perf. (Horizontal edge, obviously.) In 16mm camera original, it's .
2994 inches, in 8mm it's .15 inches, and in 35mm camera original
it's .1866 inches. In the days of nitrate 35mm, there was no need
for "camera" and "print" pitch, because the stock shrunk in
processing just the right amount. That changed with safety stocks.
>> Stocks with 8mm perfs
>> will be special order, with large orders required.
>> Not likely to
>> happen often.
> can i contact print a neg on regular 16mm stock???
What would you do with it? Print it onto 16mm stock? How would you
show it?
>> Your best and most affordable bet is to either use a
>> JK optical
>> printer and make 16mm internegs (or get Bill Brand,
>> BBOptics, to do
>> it)
> i've got access to optical printers.... but i just
> don't want the added grain... but since you mention
> him... who is bill brand and do you have his contact
> info? i'm always interested in finding out who's
> optically printing and where these days.
Well, you are really saying you don't want added resolution! Contact
printing causes a loss of resolution due to printer slip. and the
smaller the format the worse the loss. Diffuse-light optical
printing reduces grain appreciably, as does wet-gate printing.
Bill Brand is reachable at:
email suppressed
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.