From: flick harrison (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Feb 15 2007 - 11:34:08 PST
Hmm - thanks Amanda, never heard of those events (besides the one you
put in my hand - yeesh, I was working that night, as I told you, and
didn't expect an intercontinental smackdown, yo! But point well
taken.) I was specifically hoping you'd pipe up.
Blim also has a series of film events, which is a good
interdisciplinary venue.
As I say, BYO venue is nerve-wracking as a filmmaker. I hate having
to stop the screening and fix sound problems due to same-day setup by
amateur enthusiasts. I am amazed how often it happens. Unless, like a
skydiver, you pack your own chute, which means turning into a
promoter / techie and devoting time and resources to that.
Aren't there supposed to be programmers out there beating the bushes
for stuff? I suppose not.
I've also drifted away from the film-only scene, into a more interdis
world, i.e. comedy, cabaret, music, etc. I work in video myself,
though in a cinematic mode.
On 15-Feb-07, at 6:04 AM, amanda christie wrote:
>> Since the Blinding Light in Vancouver shut down,
>> there's been
>> community paralysis here. (Vancouverites on this
>> list, please correct
>> me).
> hey flick... since you asked, i will correct you. and
> i'll post on list so others can know what's going on
> in vancouver too, in case they live here or want to
> visit.
> (i'm in amsterdam on a weird keyboard and don't have
> much time so i'll try to be quick)
> since 2005, a bunch of us have been running screenings
> in non-traditional venues, and we have puclicized
> extensively and they have all been well attended....
> ironically, you have not come to any of the events
> (even though i invited you personally to one and put
> the flyer in your hand)
> examples:
> take place att he cineworks studios every few months,
> each one is programmed by a different person. the
> only rule is celluloid projection only, experimental
> film only... these screenings start at 10pm and go
> until after midnight... we have had super 8, 16mm, and
> expanded cinema... people playing optical sound
> readers as musical instruments, people performing live
> with projectors and in front of projectors.
> this group organizes series of screenings in illegal
> spaces. last summer's animated bike-in took place in
> a vacant lot and showed animation work from around the
> world. there were 117 people in attendance. there
> will be many more of these screenings this summer as
> programming is underway.
> hungry ghost organizes various screenings at Spartacus
> Books and other venues. last year ``Kerry Laitala and
> Gerda Snyder were presented `(among many others)...
> coming up in March Hungry ghost will be presenting a
> full program of work by Ben Russell... you should come
> out (consider this a personal information, for March
> 23 and 24)
> from February to May workshops in shooting and
> handprocessing super 8 film are given to filmmakers
> and non-filmmakers alike, combining the experienced
> with the unexperienced... throughout the training
> months there are a few screenings of experimental
> super 8 films to give participants inspiration and
> ideas. the final screening takes place in May at
> Video In studios. If you're interested, do feel free
> to contact me off list.
> from time to time there are independent screenings at
> various venues organized by experimental filmmakers,
> these also are publicized...
> if you want to handprocess film, there is an open drop
> in night at the purple thistle every tuesday night...
> chemicals are supplied, you just need to pay a small
> amount of money to cover the cost... email hungryghost
> in advance if you are thinking of dropping in. there
> are other resources and workshops as well, but i need
> to cut this short.
> i understand that it can be problematic because it is
> fragmented... it's not so easy when there's not one
> simple location like the blinding light.... but if you
> want experimental film, events, and community... it is
> out there, and it is vibrant alive an happening...(a
> good example is the vancouver film experiments program
> of new experimental cinema from the west coast that
> just played at cinecycle in toronto).... those of us
> involved have formed a community, friendships, and a
> network of technical support outside of the cineworks
> organization... we don't want it to be an exclusive
> "in-club" though... so do please come and join in...
> we want people to feel welcome and to take part of
> these great events.
> if you are actually interested in being involved
> flick, perhaps the best thing to do is to get on the
> hungry ghost mailing list... he posts all of the
> events well in advance.... if you're not already on
> the list, then write to email suppressed
> anyhow... you should come out, the events are fun...
> and you are fun...and we'd love to have you involved!
> let's talk when i get back to vancouver,
> amanda
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