Re: Interlaced DVDs (was: aspect ratio in Optura Xi?)

From: eric fleischauer (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Feb 22 2007 - 12:52:01 PST

i have had some success with exporting video to tape
in a way which preserves the interlacing effect, which
it sounds to me is what you want. for me, the
challenge was to have the interlacing appear when the
video was projected (where interlacing is not used).

my advice to you would be export your video w/ the
interlacing w.o the aspect ratio change. then
re-import it and then apply this change. this works
b.c. the interlacing is then imbedded into the video's
native signal and more "stable" or likely to be
present on tape, dvd, monitor, lcd projection, etc...

however, reformating the aspect ratio might create an
insurmountable hurdle in regard to preserving the
interlacing. maybe try changing the field dominance ??

good luck.


--- Yoel Meranda <email suppressed> wrote:

> Thanks Sam! Here is my real problem:
> A video I made depends very heavily on the
> interlacing effects. When I
> print to tape there are no problems, so my sequence
> in Final Cut Pro
> is exactly what I want.
> What I want is to export my 3:2 sequence in
> letterboxed 4:3 so that
> the aspect ratio doesn't change but keep the
> interlacing effects
> exactly as they were before.
> I can't get the interlacing to stay whether I export
> 3:2 to 4:3 (thus
> changing the ratio), or I export 3:2 to letterboxed
> 4:3. What's worst,
> I usually get weird ugly effects in the places where
> there should be
> interlacing.
> Anybody who translated the interlacing effects
> succesfully to DVD? It
> shouldn't be impossible...
> I wouldn't know how to thank whoever can help me
> with this, on-or-off list...
> Yoel
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at
> <email suppressed>.

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