Re: fcp question ...

From: Michael Wechsler (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Aug 03 2007 - 09:34:59 PDT

If you've got Final Cut Studio with Compressor, you can bypass having
to use FCP. Just open up Compressor and you can bring all of your
video files in, set whatever codecs and size you want and then let it
all run as a batch.

I assume you're making smaller files so that you can edit with them
as proxies for your HDV files? If you've got enough processing power
and enough extra hard drive space, I would suggest just converting
them all to Apple Intermediate Codec (you can capture from HDV tape
as AIC as well, which saves you a step). Due to the differences in
how the two codecs are set up, AIC will play back with the same ease
as a normal DV file and (because it does not use a long GOP structure
like HDV) will not be subject to the losses in quality with each cut
that HDV is.

If you're going to be moving between multiple programs with your edit
(FCP, After Effects, etc) then you'll want to use AIC anyway as
recompressing HDV to HDV (ie importing it into AE and then exporting
another HDV file) will drastically reduce the quality of your video

Hope this helps!
Mike Wechsler

On Aug 3, 2007, at 11:22 AM, Philip Hood wrote:

> hi, dunno if this is the right place for this question,
> but I have like 40 hdv clips on a a harddrive and I have
> fcp, and I want to make smaller clips of them so that I
> can let folx see to make editing decisions, but I don't
> want to resize and export 1 by 1 all forty files, each
> one taking like 20 minutes to do, but would like to write
> some script of some sort that I can let run all weekend,
> or some such. Is there any native macintosh solution
> for this ?
> ml
> pth
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> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.