From: Jason Halprin (email suppressed)
Date: Sat Sep 22 2007 - 08:11:08 PDT

Dominic et al.,

I agree that the policy of not accepting work that is more than two or
three years old at an experimental festival seems arbitrary and
unnecessary. I also immediately thought to myself that this was not
the case at many of the festivals I have attended and/or submitted to,
so I decided to do some research. I discovered after 25 minutes of
nowhere near complete research that my hunch was correct, and the norm
for the festivals I've been involved with was to allow all work,
regardless of when it was produced (see below).

I think the more interesting question here is what value can showing
older work have in the eyes of a programmer at a festival? Personally
I feel that work that has not been seen widely is worth showing,
regardless of when it was produced. But I also believe that the
primary goal of a festival should be to give younger and/or less well
known artists a place to get seen, hence there should be a bias towards
newer work. Thoughts?

It would be helpful if people who have first hand knowledge of some
other festivals would fill in the gaps or make corrections to the list
I have below regarding "time limits" as part of the regulations for
entry to the festival.

Onion City - last three years
Images - Last two years

Media City
Black Maria
Experiments in Cinema V 3.0

N/A (no call for entries/regulations listed at the moment)

-Jason Halprin

Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 17:37:02 -0700
From: DOMINIC ANGERAME <email suppressed>
Subject: Re: MEDIA CITY 2008

A general question and observation. Why is it that
most International film festivals, including just
about all experimental film festivals have a two year
limitation of when a film was released as part of
their regulations. This some how does not seem fair
since in reality a filmmaker cannot enter every film
festival within this time limitation. It would seem
that a true experimental film festival would have no
time of release limit....what does it matter if a film
is three years old and no one has had the chance to
see it.....

I can understand this with commercial film festivals
where they only want new releases however why should
the alternative film festivals follow such a
ridiculous regulation....

Dominic Angerame

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