Bolex 16H experts please!

From: Steven Lyle (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Oct 02 2007 - 23:33:56 PDT

Dear Bolex experts: For a VERY good price I got a 1967 Bolex but it seems to have
  some could I have been in such bliss when the price was 100 dollars!
  Something had to be wrong at that price! And it is so! Ha ha.
  Serial no. 237913 M....STOP....P....just 2 positions. I guess M and P. Not even a marking
  for the 2 positions!
  The main problem is, the front "Go" button is terribly jammed. Won't move at all!
  The MO and O lever is equally jammed! What to do???
  This is my FIRST bolex....shouldn't the lever me at "O" when you use a motor???
  The spring would be disengaged to let a DC motor do its stuff.
  OR does the lever remain at "MO" but you make sure the spring is wound down???
  Help! I don't even see any lub points....unlike my B and H filmos where they are very
  clearly marked.
  Best regards,

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