Re: Trying to reach the right person at the NFB of Canada

From: Adam Hyman (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Nov 19 2007 - 09:09:40 PST

Dear Ted,

Thank you for the information. I'll contact them. If some are only
available in tape, then I'll screen on tape, c'est la vie, but maybe a print
or two will be available.
How was the Jutra & Brault series?

Best regards,


Adam Hyman
Los Angeles Filmforum
email suppressed
email suppressed
On 11/19/07 6:12 AM, "Ted Barron" <email suppressed> wrote:
> Adam,
> I programmed a series of Claude Jutra and Michel Brault films at the
> Harvard Film Archive earlier this year.  I contacted the New York
> offices of the NFB for prints.  They were very slow to respond but when
> they did, they were able to provide most of the films I was seeking.
> The problem was that most of their material is only available in Beta SP
> format.  I also contacted the Cinematheque quebecoise and they had one
> or two prints I was able to borrow.  I am not sure whether they limit
> their loans to AMIA-member archives but it would be worth the effort to
> contact them to see what is possible.  The contacts are listed below.
> Best of luck.
> Regards,
> Ted Barron
> NFB contacts
> Dylan McGinty - email suppressed
> Laure Parsons - email suppressed
> Cinematheque quebecoise
> Stephanie Cote - email suppressed
> On 11/18/07 1:24 PM, Adam Hyman wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'd like to get a couple of films from the National Film Board of Canada to
>> screen at Filmforum.  I've called the general number, spoke with someone who
>> asked for an email to pass it along, and I haven't heard anything in reply.
>> I can't find a number on their elaborate website. Can anyone tell me who the
>> correct contact person is there to rent prints for screenings?
>> And, while we're at it, does anyone have an opinion on "Of Sport and Men",
>> text by Barthes, film by Aquin?  How about other films by Aquin?
>> "Le sport et les hommes"
>> Le sport et les hommes / Of Sport and Men, documentaire de 58 minutes, 1961.
>> Réalisation : Hubert Aquin. Texte : Roland Barthes. Production : Office
>> national du film du Canada.
>> Best regards,
>> Adam
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