Re: Customs problems?

From: Jorge Amaro (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Dec 23 2007 - 11:34:38 PST

I am not in the US, but the customs usually open every package that is
marked as video or has any substantial volume, as to apply an import
tax if needed. They do this to any package that comes from outside the
European Union. I quite frankly dont think they will examine the print
for contents, unless they are suspicious about something, this is in
Europe but I am sure it also applies to the US.


On 23/12/2007, Jason Cortlund <email suppressed> wrote:
> Hello Frameworkers:
> I just wanted to compare notes with anyone who might be having similar
> problems. I hope this doesn't sound too paranoid, as I'm not someone who
> usually worries about these kinds of things.
> Twice in the last month I've received return packets from international film
> festivals (in Canada & Greece) that have been completely ripped open in
> transit and not resealed. The first occurrence I chalked up to the poor
> quality of my local post office in Brooklyn, even though I lost a video
> print. But after getting a second packet that was opened in a similar
> manner, I had to admit that the opening didn't look accidental or done by
> machinery. And since the film in question is a critique of torture and
> America's presence in Iraq (albeit it, a fairly abstract critique), my
> unease is not subsiding.
> Without getting into Big Brother theories, I just wanted to know if anyone
> else in the US has experienced anything similar lately with international
> mailings from festivals.
> Best regards,
> Jason Cortlund
> Brooklyn, NY, US
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.