From: andrew lampert (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Dec 23 2007 - 11:37:04 PST
I'm not sure if it has already been mentioned on the list, but I just found Scott MacDonald's brand new book CANYON CINEMA: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF AN INDEPENDENT FILM DISTRIBUTOR on Friday at my local book store (St. Mark's here in NYC; there were 2 other copies on the shelf). It should go without saying that this book is indispensable to everyone on the list. All the topics and many of the points that cyclically come up on Frameworks regarding film festivals, submission fees, rip-offs, lack of attention, technical questions, skirmishes, the community at large and the relevancy and reaction to experimental films (among other topics) are nothing new as one readily discovers when reading through the reproduced Canyon Cinemanews writings included in this volume. I've had the good fortune to examine many volumes of the old newsletters and firmly believe that Scott's choices of key (as well as fun) letters and articles is nothing short of a marvel. Scott's
interviews are informative and in a lot of cases quite funny. I'm taking this book with me on vacation.
CONGRATULATIONS, Scott, and please keep them coming.
Happy Everything to everyone,
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For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.