Re: 16mm C-printer available free in New York

From: 40 Frames (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Feb 06 2008 - 18:43:41 PST

In my experience, the C printers seem to develope some play over time due to
age of machine parts and
perhaps mis-threading by the operator.

I stopped having prints (even work prints) made on a C printer anymore
because of my experience
with swimming prints. I request everything be printed on the lab's panel
printer which generally
gets more attention and can run at slower speeds.

I have assumed that my experience with the C printer was partly due to
neglect, but wondered if
anyone else had thoughts they care to share about the matter? Design flaw of
machine? Replace-
ment sprockets can be machined to spec and fix the problem?

Keep in mind, I shoot mostly lock off shots, so printer steadiness is
critical. If one is doing hand-process
or hand-handle or image making that does not require the upmost steadiness
of the printed image than
the model C would be a perfectly good printer to use.


On 2/6/08, Pip Chodorov <email suppressed> wrote:
> Dear filmmakers,
> When Lablink went out of business I saved one of their best contact
> printers from destruction. It is a Bell & Howell C-printer with tape
> reader; I have pictures. It was intended to be shipped up to Toronto
> for a university. After several misguided attempts to have it
> trucked, they have decided not to take it after all. So there it sits
> on an empty floor in West 45th street, waiting to be adopted or
> junked. If anybody wants it, they can go pick it up, or pay for a
> shipping company. It is all wrapped and ready to go. If noone makes a
> move it will surely be dumped soon.
> Please contact me off list for further details.
> Thanks,
> Pip Chodorov
> pip @ re-voir . com
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

Alain LeTourneau
Pamela Minty
425 SE 3rd #400
Portland, OR 97214
United States
+1 503 231 6548
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.