Re: vinegar syndrome

From: Roger Beebe (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Feb 22 2008 - 17:13:35 PST

Here's an old email from Mark Toscano on VS:

here are a couple of links that may be helpful:

about molecular sieves and vinegar syndrome:

FPC Film, a Kodak company that sells molecular sieves:

My first recommendation to anyone with a collection of
films that includes some prints with vinegar syndrome
would be to isolate those vinegar prints in a separate
storage area. Following this, if you have time, it
would be ideal to spot check each non-vinegar print by
opening the can and smelling for vinegar odor. Once
the vinegar is isolated from the non-vinegar, you can
use molecular sieves if you like to greatly slow down
the acetate breakdown in the vinegar prints, as long
as you're able to maintain this action regularly - as
I mentioned, molecular sieves need to be changed when
they are "full", or the pollutants and gases can spill
over back into the film can and make things as they
used to be...

hope this was helpful!

Mark Toscano

On Feb 22, 2008, at 4:09 PM, Taylor, Charlotte E wrote:

> Hello Frameworkers --
> I'm in the process of cleaning and organizing all the 16mm student
> films in the archive here at the University of Iowa and I was
> wondering if anyone knew of ways one could slow the vinegar
> syndrome? Are there cleaners out there that work? Are there
> special ways to store the film that slow the process?
> Thanks, guys!
> Yay for film!!!
> Charlotte Taylor
> MFA Candidate in Film/Video Production
> University of Iowa
> email suppressed
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.