America Film/Performance Summer Tour

From: Diana Arce (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Apr 10 2008 - 11:50:50 PDT

Hi Everyone,

I've decided to make a summer tour across the USA. I will be traveling
for two months (August - September) and I am looking for locations to
show my films, bring my audience participation performance Politoake.
or present one of my other performance pieces. If anyone has any
information regarding venues or people I could talk to in order to get
my dates put together I would really appreciate it!

Best Regards,
Diana Arce

Alte Feuerwache e.V
Dorfstrasse 61
99441 Kromsdorf

t: +49 3643 418 251
m: +49 179 633 4631

email suppressed

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.