From: Serge Levchin (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Apr 07 2008 - 19:38:18 PDT
Another "football" film:
Muzne hry (Manly Games), Jan Svankmajer, 1988 -- readily on YouTube
On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 9:18 PM, Tom B Whiteside <email suppressed>
> Brett Kashmere's VALERY'S ANKLE from just a year or so ago is one.
> Another is the quite amazing FOOTBALL AS NEVER BEFORE by Helmuth Costard
> from maybe 30 years ago - many many cameras follow one player very closely
> through a game, it is cut in real time (so it is a feature, 90 minutes, I
> can't remember if the halftime is included) and it resolutely does not show
> the rest of the field. The player was George Best, so I am assuming this was
> English Premiere League. It is an experimental film, goes completely against
> the grain of the way soccer is usually shot and edited, and it makes you
> rethink all assumptions of both the subject and its conventional handling.
> - Whiteside
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