Super 8 Diary: Jason Halprin (Sat July 12th, 8pm @ the Nightingale, Chicago, IL)

From: Jason Halprin (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Jul 03 2008 - 16:33:38 PDT

Hello Chicago Area Frameworkers and Travelers,

the shameless self promotion vein, I wanted to alert you to my upcoming
solo show.  On Saturday, July 12th, 8pm, I'll be showing about an hours
worth of my Super 8mm diary work in Chicago.  The venue is the
Nightingale, a loft space located at 1084 N Milwaukee (Thomas and
Milwaukee), and the show is a $5 suggested donation (BYOB).  All of the
work was made between 2002 & 2007 (maybe one from 2008), and will
be presented silent, though feel free to bring your Ipod, I won't be
offended.  This is the first time I get to show my diary work publicly in my current hometown, and from the Super 8 camera originals no less.  Long live the ephemeral!

For more information go to

Hope to see you there!

-Jason Halprin

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.