From: Nicky Hamlyn (email suppressed)
Date: Sat Aug 02 2008 - 05:22:56 PDT
David Leister in London also has Elf motorised ones. They are more
complicated than the others mentioned here, but they work well and
hold at least twenty minutes of film.
Nicky Hamlyn.
On 1 Aug 2008, at 19:13, Pip Chodorov wrote:
> It depends on the length of your film and the brand of projector.
> For short loops (under 10 minutes), lab in London makes
> them for Elf projectors, and Frank Bode in Berlin for Eiki. For
> 10-15 minute films, and for any projector, 2M in Amsterdam, for
> 15-30 minutes, L'Abominable has been making some, and for films up
> to an hour, Robert's is the best. I have come across other quirky
> models, motorized loopers etc.
> A couple of years ago, when founding the Film Gallery, I started
> acquiring loopers and projectors and now rent them out and provide
> maintenance, mostly in France but also has far as New York and
> Beijing... There are a dozen shows a year in Paris alone using
> loopers, in galleries but also in major museums and art fairs.
> -Pip
> At 13:43 -0400 1/08/08, Raha Raissnia wrote:
>> hi
>> can anyone tell me where one can either rent , buy, have made,
>> either the loop device for a 16mm film projector or else the whole
>> thing ( loop device with the projector)
>> i know about Robert film, but is there any where else in our world ?
>> thanks
>> raha
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> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.