From: Marilyn Brakhage (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Jul 30 2008 - 11:43:45 PDT

There is a relatively little known Brakhage film called "The Presence"
(4 minutes, 1972), this one a live insect macro-photographed.

Marilyn Brakhage

On Wednesday, July 30, 2008, at 03:09 AM, Chen Sheinberg wrote:

> Hello,
> does anybody know about experimental films involving insects except
> "Mothlight" by Brakhage?
> thanks
> chen
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Polta" <email suppressed>
> To: <email suppressed>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 8:15 PM
> Subject: Re: perfect films
>> One things that I would add to this qualification is that, besides
>> being a found film/video object presented in unaltered form (as
>> found), to me, a "perfect film," as defined (more or less) by Jacobs,
>> is that it (the film) is selected/found by the artist and presented
>> somehow as his or her own work--not in a deceptive way but, with the
>> act of selection and presentation being the artistic gesture, but
>> with a commentary made, perhaps not primarily, on the artists' own
>> work (and yes, this favors artists with established bodies of work).
>> I.e. Jacobs' PERFECT FILM, *seems* like a Jacobs film; WORKS AND DAYS
>> elaborates Frampton's work (the film is actually "signed" by him I
>> believe. Liotta's MOST BEAUTIFUL SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS series too. I
>> would not consider, for example, any of the "Found Film Festival"
>> Wendy's burger flipping type stuff to be "perfect films," strictly
>> speaking. Taking this definition, to state counter to Andrew lampert,
>> the list of "perfect
>> films" (strictly speaking) becomes very short, although the use of
>> large parts of unaltered material in works is not.
>> Worth mentioning in the discussion is the alleged mis-delivery of the
>> Jesus-on-a-donkey film incorporated into SCORPIO RISING.
>> Steve Polta
>> --- On Tue, 7/29/08, Scott Stark <email suppressed> wrote:
>>> From: Scott Stark <email suppressed>
>>> Subject: Re: perfect films
>>> To: email suppressed
>>> Date: Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 8:39 AM
>>> At 07:51 PM 07/28/2008 -0400, Tom B Whiteside wrote:
>>> >This has been a good thread. My vote for the most
>>> perfect perfect film
>>> >goes to the eponymous, "Perfect Film" by Ken
>>> Jacobs. It is truly amazing -
>>> >not only for the story of its existence (cool enough),
>>> but what it is on
>>> >screen. Unsettling, profound, real.
>>> One thing that's particularly fascinating about that
>>> film is that, as I
>>> understand it, it was a reel of outtakes, spliced together
>>> by some editor
>>> as a convenience without any particular structure in mind.
>>> So what we're
>>> seeing becomes an inadvertent record of what was not shown,
>>> which in many
>>> ways reveals more than the public version probably did. I
>>> think that's part
>>> of the irony of Ken's title.
>>> I remember Jeanne Liotta showing a Hollis Frampton
>>> ready-made in San
>>> Francisco a few years ago, with a man and woman tending to
>>> a small produce
>>> garden. It was beautiful, simple, and has stuck in my mind
>>> since then.
>>> Don't recall the title though.
>>> Some long-time frameworkers may remember a discussion I
>>> started back in the
>>> mid-90s (yes, frameworks is going on 13 years old!) about a
>>> group of
>>> amateur films by a guy named Fred McLeod who made a
>>> charming little 16mm
>>> opus about his golf swing. The Orgone Cinema folks were
>>> showing it as an
>>> art film. There was an interesting discussion about
>>> artistic intentionality
>>> and transplanting things from their original context. The
>>> discussion's no
>>> longer in the archive but digest versions of all archives
>>> are available on
>>> request from the site (
>>> Scott
>>> __________________________________________________________________
>>> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at
>>> <email suppressed>.
>> __________________________________________________________________
>> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.