From: 40 Frames (email suppressed)
Date: Sat Aug 30 2008 - 10:36:42 PDT
On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 11:13 PM, Bill Seery <email suppressed> wrote:
> Freya and Alain bring up good points about the status of 16mm. I don't
> think audio editorial/mix is a problem (though finding people who understand
> the process is. How many times do I have to explain what a 2-pop is and why
> it is an important thing to have? ), but what about negative cutters,
> optical transfer houses, labs, etc. Since I still do a lot of work for 16mm
> it is something I am continually aware of. Another academic year is
> beginning, so that is when I begin getting calls asking where university
> programs can send their students for services and whether its worth
> sustaining a film program. It's getting harder to answer those questions.
> Might be a good thing to network about. How's your site coming along,
> Alain? I called a while back to discuss these issues but didn't hear back
> from you.
Hey Bill, sorry about not getting back to you. I never actually received
your phone message, though my machine does that from time
to time. It is after all digital. : )
The content side of is complete, or least enough to post.
It's the framework that is taken a lot of time to create. It's a custom
framework as opposed to some modular or template solution. There's likely
software that I could have used, like the types used by many web forums, but
I've never liked the look of these, so I decided to go with something more
I get questions from folks all the time about sources for splice tape and
leader and where to make optical tracks or by mag stock (for example, many
people don't know that mag is still made in the US by American Film & Tape,
and the stuff that Kodak sells is actually made in France by Pyral). The
Directory will meet a demand, and given some actual funding for the project
it would likely be up sooner, but there is no funding so it's worked on when
time permits, which is less and less these days.
P.S. I'll give you a call Bill.
-- 40 FRAMES Alain LeTourneau Pamela Minty 425 SE 3rd #400 Portland, OR 97214 United States +1 503 231 6548 info(at)40frames(dot)org __________________________________________________________________ For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.