From: Myron Ort (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Mar 03 2009 - 14:50:56 PST
eBay sellers should give the benefit of the doubt. If not, you can
use the Resolution Center . I am currently involved in something
similar with an item that had a misleading description with the
seller refusing a refund.
On Mar 3, 2009, at 2:13 PM, miriam jayne martins sampaio wrote:
> hey everyone
> i agree with everyone and thank you greatly for all your help!
> thanks kristie!! i cannot get the my money back. he will not refund
> as he says that it is stated in the technical information that its
> a 8mm camera. i have no idea what to do because frankly it does say
> that but i certainly did not understand it as such. since it does
> say 16mm movie camera. i just send him an email telling him i would
> like a refund. we will see if he will give it to me. i highly doubt
> it as i said.
> i will be back in a while. gotta run to class.
> thanks everyone
> miriam
> Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 13:47:38 -0500
> From: email suppressed
> Subject: Re: Get a refund!!!! RE: [FRAMEWORKS] 8mm versus 16mm
> To: email suppressed
> i agree with these guys, miriam. unless you REALLY want to delve
> into a new discipline (double 8mm) and learn all about it, there's
> no reason for you to buy something that was misrepresented in the
> ad. get your refund and look out for a nice Bolex, Beaulieau, B&H,
> even a Canon Scoopic if you should ever run across one, or any of
> the other great and inexpensive cameras out there. but if you just
> want one good, reliable 16mm camera, the Krasnogorsk is NOT it. i
> would guess that the 8mm is no more reliable than the 16mm model.
> i think your best bet is the refund, and you're perfectly entitled
> to it according to ebay rules.
> btw, kristie's offer to help you screen potential cameras is very
> generous, i'd take her up on that.
> enjoy today...
> Dinorah de Jesús Rodríguez
> Film/Video Artist and Freelance Writer
> On Mar 3, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Myron Ort wrote:
> Go to the eBay site map, choose "Resolution Center" and follow the
> prompts. If you cannot resolve the issue (obtain refund for
> misrepresented item) with the seller through direct communication
> with seller, then you open a case.
> On Mar 3, 2009, at 1:11 AM, k. a.r. wrote:
> Yep, After seeing the link, I agree with that guy a couple of posts
> down, that camera was misrepresented.
> I buy and sell a lot on eBay, and if the sellers misrepresent
> something, it is their fault and you are not obligated to buy it.
> Tell him to refund your money.
> He wrote 16mm not regular 8.
> His feedback rating is less than perfect, so you could
> also tell him that you will give him negative feedback if he
> doesn't refund you your money.
> Also tell him that you will file a complaint with paypal if he
> doesn't give you back your money.
> There are 3 reasons paypal will give you back your money, and
> severely misrepresented
> merchandise is one of them.
> They will investigate it, and that takes time, but you will get
> your money back,
> and it will freeze his account while he is being investigated.
> Many sellers do not want to deal
> with this, and will refund your money.
> Also eBay changed the feed back policy, so the seller cannot leave
> you negative feedback as revenge.
> So don't worry about that....
> If he doesn't want to refund your $, you could also contact eBay
> and fight it,but paypal is your best first step after him.
> In the future, if you want, send me the link for any cameras you
> want to buy, off list, and I will help you
> figure out if it is what you want. I help a lot of my friends with
> buying high $$$ items from eBay,
> so I wouldn't mind helping another filmmaker. And don't worry, I
> am probably never going to buy
> another film camera, so I wouldn't bid the item out from under you.
> Sincerely,
> Kristie
> Kristie Reinders, B.F.A.
> Director of Cinematography, Electric Visions
> Curator and Head Projectionist, Electric Mural Project
> The Mission, San Francisco, CA
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