Re: Experimental Film Exhibition & Distribution Panel at the ATA Film Festival 10/21/09, SF, 7:30PM

From: andrew lennox (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Oct 20 2009 - 21:41:02 PDT

Hi Maia,
I met you several years ago when you were at LIFT working on your film from Phil's retreat.  You probably dont remember as that was a long time ago but it's not important.  Anyway, I'm studying at SFAI right now and I am working on a piece that is something of a tribute to Helen Hill.  Do you have any photos or any kind of images (whether from your film "Working Portraits" or not) that I could use for my project?  I know that might sound a little dodgy but maybe if I explain it to you a little more or send you a photo or if you have time to drop by the SFAI studios at 3rd&22nd (it's too large to bring to you); I hope you will see that my intentions are good.  I'm not sure that I can make this panel at ATA tomorrow but I will try.  If not, maybe I can talk with you more via email or something.  Or not at all if you think it is inappropriate...two unrelated issues:  you told me at LIFT some chemical you used on your film farm project that looked
 really cool but it's bugged me for like five years or however long it's been to remember what the chemical was (it was some kind of compound, i want to say something with ammonium or something with phosphorus...?)  second, i saw a little bit of lisa morse's new paint on glass film this summer and it looks fantastic!  her films rock but i havent seen anything, aside from this new work, in a long time.  just thought maybe you know her?thanks,Andrew Lennox 

--- On Tue, 10/20/09, Cybelle <email suppressed> wrote:

From: Cybelle <email suppressed>
Subject: Experimental Film Exhibition & Distribution Panel at the ATA Film Festival 10/21/09, SF, 7:30PM
To: email suppressed
Received: Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 7:37 PM
Wednesday, October 21, 2009. 7:30 pm free! Distribution Workshop/Panel Discussion The ATA Festival presents a FREE workshop on experimental film exhibition and distribution hosted by local distributors and filmmakers. Our workshop and discussion offer insight into the world of experimental film exhibition and distribution. This is a must-attend event for the super-independent and experimentally minded writer/director/editor/producer. Festival co-director Kelly Pendergast will moderate panel and audience discussions with: Microcinema International founder Joel Bachar; SFcinemateque executive director and filmmaker Jonathan Marlow; filmmaker, curator and Canyon Cinema Board Member Maia Cybelle Carpenter; filmmaker and Other Cinema founder and programmer Craig Baldwin; and Associate Editor/Producer of Wholphin DVD Magazine Emily Doe. If you would like to attend, send us an e-mail: email suppressed, and reserve a spot!
***If there are specific topics you would like to hear discussed at the workshop, please let us know when you e-mail us. *** Look forward to seeing you there!

Maia Cybelle

Maïa Cybelle Carpenter
President, Board of Directors of Canyon Cinema
Advisory Board, Lunafest, Clif Bar & Co.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.