Re: [Frameworks] Experimental / Genre

From: Pip Chodorov (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Jul 20 2010 - 10:58:47 PDT

I don't know - we still have pencils and paper, and they still serve
us well to write. Many people use typewriters and many more
computers. Is there no use for paper and pencil? Are they part of an
earlier age? I know I'm overstating a simple point but I think it's a
useful analogy. Mechanical technologies are still around and as much
a part of the present. You still use a bicycle? An ice-cream scooper
with a spring-action scoop ejector? My Bolex and my super-8 camera
are on my table ready to use, like my scissors, my fork, my kettle.
This is second nature, does not denote or connote the past in any
way, and I think for many people this is the same. More important is
what you write, rather than that it is written with a pencil, a
typewriter or a computer. That's originality... No?

At 13:48 -0400 20/07/10, gregg biermann wrote:
>I'm not stating that there is no use for film in the present -- only
>that mechanical technologies are part of an earlier age than digital
>technologies. In that sense they are associated more with the past.
>That fits within the discussion about originality -- no?
>Pip Chodorov wrote:
>>What technologies of the past?
>>Photography and film are still technologies of the present (and
>>cheaper than digital).
>>Was someone discussing typesetting or daguerrotypes?
>>-Pip Chodorov

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