Re: [Frameworks] films that consider the idea of a super hero

From: Sasha Janerus <>
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 01:11:29 -0400

A bit late, but...

Warhol's Batman/Dracula

Practically everything by Jeff Keen

On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Fred Camper <> wrote:
> Quoting malgosia askanas <>:
>> But can't there be undependent films that deal with cultural
>> artifacts?  For example, can't you imagine an undependent film
>> that's a meditation of some kind on the Sagrada Familia?
> Of course. And there are lots of avant-garde/experimental/undependent
> films that acknowledge influences from "high culture" such as Gaudi.
> In the sense of "not financially dependent" there could also be
> undependent film meditations on Batman etc. I reacted the way that I
> did not because there aren't good examples of superhero meditations
> but because in my experience a lot of films that purport to examine
> mass culture are actually repeating, not differing from and not
> critiquing, its values.
> Fred Camper
> Chicago
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Received on Sat Jul 30 2011 - 22:11:36 CDT