Re: [Frameworks] films that consider the idea of a super hero

From: Fred Camper <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 15:46:05 -0500

Quoting malgosia askanas <>:

> But can't there be undependent films that deal with cultural
> artifacts? For example, can't you imagine an undependent film
> that's a meditation of some kind on the Sagrada Familia?

Of course. And there are lots of avant-garde/experimental/undependent
films that acknowledge influences from "high culture" such as Gaudi.
In the sense of "not financially dependent" there could also be
undependent film meditations on Batman etc. I reacted the way that I
did not because there aren't good examples of superhero meditations
but because in my experience a lot of films that purport to examine
mass culture are actually repeating, not differing from and not
critiquing, its values.

Fred Camper

FrameWorks mailing list
Received on Wed Jul 27 2011 - 13:46:19 CDT