Re: [Frameworks] Please stop responding WITH the attachment. It's overloading my computer.

From: Cari Machet <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2011 18:10:29 -0400

i was not assuming that someone that went to yale was rich
i assumed they had access
like you know how there are people on this small planet that do not have
wireless access points
or computers even - you heard about that
but my original point is totally missed
i was telling him not to tell people what to do
which is humorous in itself
whatever - doesn't really matter as you said
because experimental film isn't actually about anything
it lives in an apolitical vacuum void of content and humanity
and someone telling other people on entire list serve what to do based on
their need base and their need base alone
is just perfectly fine humane ethical and peachy i love it

Cari Machet
NYC 646-436-7795
AIM carismachet
Skype carimachet - 646-652-6434
Syria +963-099 277 3243
Amman +962 077 636 9407
Twitter: _at_carimachet <>

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 5:40 PM, Jonathan Walley <>wrote:

> The answer to your last question, unfortunately, is yes. Every year,
> usually in the summer, there is a flamewar about email etiquette on this
> list, involving all sorts of attempts - some reasonably worded, others WAYYY
> too angry - to regulate how people express themselves on the list, what
> people should or should not do when sending emails to the list, how
> attachments and the like should be handled, etc., etc. And typically, as has
> been the case in this round, assumptions are made about people based on the
> most scant, paltry evidence imaginable (someone from Yale MUST be a rich
> kid, anyone with an "edu" at the end of their email address must be a flabby
> academic who "couldn't do" and so decided to teach, and so forth...).
> Maybe it's the heat getting to us, or the boredom for those who are off
> from teaching (myself included). But whatever it is, I don't take it as a
> sign of life. When people on Frameworks get passionate, angry, contentious,
> even downright snarky, about experimental film, then I love it. But this
> perennial flare-up, my LEAST favorite one, is tiresome.
> Love to all,
> Jonathan
> p.s. my FAVORITE perennial flare-up is "what is experimental film?"
> On Jul 12, 2011, at 4:08 PM, Dennis Williams wrote:
> i'd like to ban smiley faces. and those from ivy league schools with poorly
> functioning computers, and those who suggest bans, and those who are too
> sensitive, and... okay. i've had my laughs. is this typical? if so, i'll now
> spend more time on frameworks! yes, we're alive! and kicking, and biting,
> and scratching.
> dennis
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 5:02 PM, Dennis Williams <>wrote:
>> :)
>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 4:50 PM, Matt Helme <>wrote:
>>> Some groups just don't allow attachments, it may be spam or a virus. We
>>> should have the same rule.
>>> Matt
>>> --- On *Tue, 7/12/11, Fred Camper <>* wrote:
>>> From: Fred Camper <>
>>> Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Please stop responding WITH the attachment.
>>> It's overloading my computer.
>>> To: "Experimental Film Discussion List" <>
>>> Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2011, 4:27 PM
>>> Quoting Chuck Kleinhans <<http://mc/compose?>
>>> >:
>>> > Well, this isn't a very helpful attitude....
>>> > On Jul 11, 2011, at 11:30 PM, Cari Machet wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> please buy a proper computer
>>> It's a lot worse than not very helpful. TELLING someone to buy a new
>>> computer??? How rude can you get. We don't know his financial
>>> situation, or how he chooses to spend his money.
>>> My vote would be for restricting all FrameWorks posts to plain text
>>> email. Let's ban all attachments, not just the 4 MB ones, and ban
>>> html. I don't know if this is possible, and maybe most won't want to
>>> do this, but to me, everything other than plain text is bad manners,
>>> and usually some kind of advertising. Put your video or whatever on
>>> the Web and post the link.
>>> Fred Camper
>>> Chicago
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>> --
>> Dennis Williams
>> 914.671.2746
>> "if you think art is neutral you're kidding yourself and ignoring
>> history." --
> --
> Dennis Williams
> 914.671.2746
> "if you think art is neutral you're kidding yourself and ignoring history."
> --
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> Jonathan Walley
> Assistant Professor of Cinema
> Denison University
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Received on Tue Jul 12 2011 - 15:16:05 CDT