What camera are you using? Is it a bolex reflex? Can you see the image through viewfinder? And if so, is it in focus when youve sot your previous outoffocus attempts?
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On Oct 10, 2011, at 9:47 PM, John Woods <jawoods01_at_yahoo.ca> wrote:
> Hi Frameworks, I'm at last attempting to do some Super 8 blowups to 16mm but am confounded at finding the right printer/lens/bellows configuration. I've attempted to do the setup recommended by JK at: http://www.jkcamera.com/digital_instr_.htm
> with no luck, I just get a blurry grey image. I'm using a 50mm lens and tube extensions on a K-103 model.
> If anyone has any tips or could share with me a workshop manual being used by your school/co-op it would be greatly appreciated! I've found a few official manuals online but none that go into detail about doing blowup work.
> Thank you.
> John hot
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Received on Mon Oct 10 2011 - 22:03:03 CDT