Your place in these proceedings will be sorely missed.
On Oct 15, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Jerry Tartaglia wrote:
> Dear Frameworks, Filmmakers, and interested people,
> Several requests for information about the Millennium meeting have
> been posted with vague or no response. Below is the announcement of
> the meeting that was sent by Jay Hudson. Please note that to date,
> no agenda has been put forth.
> I do not attest to the truth or falsehood of any of the statements
> in this announcement.
> Five weeks ago I resigned as Facilitator of the Board of Directors
> of Millennium. My attempt to bring all parties involved in the
> dispute to a point of compromise for the sake of this organization
> that served the experimental film community for so many decades,
> failed.
> Egotism, recalcitrance, self-justification, blaming others,
> exclusionary behaviors, and ignorance have brought about this
> situation.
> I hope that those who are present at the meeting try to rekindle the
> sense of Community and mutual respect that existed for so many years
> at Millennium. I hope that each person focuses on their own
> strengths and shortcomings and honors and respects their
> colleagues. I hope that the dictatorial tendencies that I observed
> in the last three months do not portend what is to come. I hope that
> a true openness to change prevails.
> The Millennium Film Workshop remains a part of my filmmaking and my
> personal story, and as it moves into another phase of its life, I
> wish it and all of those who guide it, the highest good.
> Yours,
> Jerry Tartaglia
> "We will cover the world with our underground movies" (Jonas Mekas)
> Dear Member,
> On September 18, 2011, Howard Guttenplan, Board President of the
> Millennium called a special members meeting for October 16th, 2011.
> The purpose of this meeting will be (i) to elect members to comprise
> the board of directors and executive director and (ii) to further
> discuss the current situation at the Millennium.� The meeting will
> start at 7:00pm and will be held at the Millennium Film Workshop at
> 66 E 4th between Bowery and 2nd Avenue.
> In order to conduct business, we will need to have a quorum of
> active (currently registered) members present at the meeting.
> According to the bylaws, there has to be at least 50% attendance of
> the active members at the meeting in order to constitute a quorum.�
> Within that group of active members only those who fulfill certain
> conditions are eligible to vote.
> The three conditions are:
> You are both a current paid-up card-holding member AND:
> (i) have had an additional membership in the past two (2) years.
> According to the bylaws a membership has a length of six (6) months.
> Since the Millennium is closed in August, the month of August does
> not count towards the six months for facility members, ie a six (6)
> month membership purchased in July would not expire until the same
> day in February of the next year instead of January.
> For contributing members, the month of August is considered as part
> of the membership.� Contributing members are those who have donated
> twenty dollars or more to the Millennium.� Unlike facilities
> members, contributing members do not receive a membership number.
> So if you were an active member at any time between October 16, 2009
> and March 16, 2011 for facility members or April 16, 2011 for
> contributing members, you would be eligible to vote if your
> membership is current.
> (ii) are a current or recent staff member.� The terms "recent" and
> "staff" are not defined in the bylaws.� I feel that five (5) years
> would be a reasonable to be considered current or recent.� As for
> staff, I think that anyone who has performed a defined role, whether
> paid or unpaid would be considered reasonable, ie monitors, the
> directors, teachers, hired consultants, interns, regular volunteers,
> etc.� The precision of these definitions shall be worked out before
> the meeting is held.
> (iii) have registered for three (3) workshops in the past six months.
> This does not apply to anyone as we do not have enough workshops to
> make this possible.
> No proxy voting is available according to the bylaws.� You must be
> physically present in order to vote and/or count towards a quorum.
> Memberships that are $20 are valid for six (6) months and $30 or
> more are valid for one (1) year.� You will need to bring in your
> membership card and show it in order to be considered present.� If
> you do not have a card currently, please contact me at this email.
> You can stop by anytime the Millennium is open (M,T,W, F 7:00pm to
> 10:30pm, or Sat. 1:00pm to 5:00pm) and get a replacement.� It is
> also possible to stop by during regular business hours, but it is
> recommended that you call ahead first.� Additionally, I will open
> up the doors two (2) hours before the meeting at 5pm.� At this
> time, we will be able to register and make replacement cards for
> members.
> It is very important that we reach a quorum.� The Millennium needs
> to settle questions of its governance so that we can move forward.�
> The meeting is open to the public.
> Anyone who signs up for membership before the meeting will be able
> to count towards the quorum if they attend the meeting.� Those who
> attend the meeting and register membership will count towards a
> quorum.
> While these newly registered members will not be eligible to vote
> until the next meeting/election, by attending and by adding to the
> quorum, they will be helping to ensure that the meeting can proceed.
> Forthcoming will be an email considering the agenda of the
> meeting.� I will post my draft agenda and want to hear what others
> feel should be discussed.
> Please contact me with any questions. The bylaws are attached for
> your review.
> Best,
> Jay Hudson
> Director of Workshops and Facilities
> Millennium Film Workshop
> Members Meeting
> Sunday, October 16, 2011
> 7pm (early registration starts at 5pm)
> Millennium Film Workshop
> 66 E 4th, between Bowery and 2nd.
> Please share this email with interested colleagues and friends.
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Received on Sat Oct 15 2011 - 06:31:50 CDT