[Frameworks] film/digtial hybrid

From: Ji-hoon Felix Kim <jihoonfelix_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2011 19:10:02 +0800

Hi Frameworkers,

As part of my research, I've been compiling a group of contemporary
filmmakers who have employed hand-processing of film and digital visual
effects in hybrid ways.
The filmmakers I've caught up with thus far include Johanna Vaude,
Stephanie Maxwell, Jurgen Reble (for Materia Obscura), Kerry Laitra. I'd
like any of you to raise
more similar filmmakers who come to your mind, so that I will bring more
cases together to my list.

Thank you in advance,

Ji-hoon Kim
Assistant Professor, Division of Broadcast & Cinema Studies
Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information
Nanyang Technological University
Room 02-08, 31 Nanyang Link
Singapore 637718
Office phone: (65) 6514-8351
Mobile: (65) 9720-8484

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Received on Thu Dec 08 2011 - 03:10:29 CST