I introduced video flicker into the last few rolls of kodachrome I shot (after it was shot, of course) then ran it through a third party digital plugin which caused an aberration, and like many people dear to this list aberrations are intriguing to me. the result was footages with a pulse that I then incorporated into the movie:
an example of what I am talking may be found at 2:10
also with some optically printed stuff, it has a nice effect where the framelines are melting which I think is pretty.
and relevant because it's like the film's literally suffering erosion because of the digital effect. you can see this in much of the magenta-hued footage in the second half of the show, beginning around 4:18 mark and much of thereafter.
--- On Thu, 12/8/11, Ji-hoon Felix Kim <jihoonfelix_at_gmail.com> wrote:
From: Ji-hoon Felix Kim <jihoonfelix_at_gmail.com>
Subject: [Frameworks] film/digtial hybrid
To: "Experimental Film Discussion List" <frameworks_at_jonasmekasfilms.com>
Date: Thursday, December 8, 2011, 6:10 AM
Hi Frameworkers,
As part of my research, I've been compiling a group of contemporary filmmakers who have employed hand-processing of film and digital visual effects in hybrid ways.
The filmmakers I've caught up with thus far include Johanna Vaude, Stephanie Maxwell, Jurgen Reble (for Materia Obscura), Kerry Laitra. I'd like any of you to raise
Thank you in advance,
Ji-hoon Kim
Assistant Professor, Division of Broadcast & Cinema Studies
Nanyang Technological University
Room 02-08, 31 Nanyang Link
Singapore 637718
Office phone: (65) 6514-8351
Mobile: (65) 9720-8484
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